Four volcanic islands comprise UNESCO World Heritage Site Revillagigedo Archipelago in the Pacific Ocean โ Roca Partida, San Benedicto, Socorro and Clariรณn. Socorro is the largest of the islands and often sought out as a premiere destination for advanced divers who seek the thrill of fast currents with hopes of crossing paths with mantas, humpback whales, dolphins and numerous shark species. If the weather is right and luck is on your side, the experience can be amazing.

My husband John photographing a manta {Socorro}
I would recommend a trip to Archipelago Revillagigedo but would be remiss if I did not acknowledge that timing is everything. Choose your travel season thoughtfully to increase your likeliness of large pelagic interactions and then select a liveaboard that meets your specifications for duration, comfort, guide expertise and other preferences. Set your expectations low so you can be pleasantly surprised because sightings are not guaranteed and every dive varies.

Nest of White Tip Sharks {Socorro}
Most boats depart from either San Jose del Cabo or Los Cabos. It was convenient for us to fly from the US to San Jose del Cabo (SJD) airport and stay a few days on land before boarding the boat. There are plenty of resorts ranging from budget to luxury accommodations and restaurants to suit all preferences. San Jose del Cabo has a fun Thursday night art walk in the Old Town district which is near restaurants and galleries.

John and I with our dive buddies in San Jose del Cabo (photo by @shilohja)

San Jose del Cabo Marina
The ocean crossing between mainland and diving is ~26 hours of fast speeds and high waves so those with motion sensitivity need to be ready to either endure or come prepared with preventative treatments. The crossing is not for the faint of heart, but it is manageable. The Mexican military will likely board the boat after the crossing to check passports but this is simple and does not distract from dive preparations. Otherwise, the water tends to be cool and there are thermoclines, so I recommend a 5-7mm wetsuit with a hood if you tend to get cold easily. I wore a 5mm without a hood because kicking against the strong current kept my blood pumping.ย Most of the time, diving and surfacing is in the deep blue, so be sure you are emotionally prepared as well. Our boat used smaller inflatable tenders called pangas to transport groups to dive sites.

Inflatable “panga” transport boat
When we made the trip, we dove San Benedicto, Socorro and Roca Partida. We saw whales above the water in the distance and we could easily hear their songs underwater. No close-up interactions with humbpacks were observed, however. Sharks ranged from those near the surface (silky), those nearby (white tip, silver tip), those deep below (hammerhead and Galรกpagos) as well as a random close-up encounter with a whale shark that made two passes by us at depth. One group saw dolphins up close, but the others did not, so the experience can range on the spectrum. There were several mantas eager to interact with our dive group so that was very enjoyable.

Manta {Socorro}

Whale shark passing through

Whale Shark {Socorro}
Sunsets are gorgeous so keep an eye out for the beautiful topside views too!

Sunset at Roca Partida (Split Rock)
Diving Tips:
- Water was ~75 degrees Fahrenheit, so most divers preferred a 5-7mm wetsuit with hood.
- Fins that perform well in strong current are recommended (your knees will thank you later).
- This is advanced diving, in and against currents, so excellent swimming skills are recommended.
- Having a backup depth and air gauge can be convenient since an equipment failure in the middle of the ocean can present a challenge.
- This is deep ocean diving so advanced certification or at least deep dive certification is helpful. Do not expect to find any reefs. There are a few pinnacles but otherwise, this is diving in the blue.
- If you are bringing a camera for video, consider a wide angle or fisheye lens. Learn the functions including white balancing at depth in advance of the trip to make it easier to capture subject when the excitement builds.